Catholic Development Fund (CDF) congratulates Bishop George Kolodziej SDS on his ordination and installation as the fifth Bishop of Bunbury. The ceremony took place on March 19, 2025, the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, at St Patrick's Cathedral in Bunbury.
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC), presided over the ceremony as principal consecrator, and was joined by more than 19 bishops from across Australia, including CDF’s Board Member Most Rev. Anthony J. Ireland, Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne. Tim O’Leary, CDF Deputy Chair of the Board, and Matthew Cassin, CDF Chief Executive Officer, were also in attendance amongst distinguished guests.
Apostolic Nuncio Charles Balvo presented the Papal Bull during the ceremony, which brought together the entire Bunbury Catholic community—clergy, seminarians, acolytes, altar servers, musicians, choir members, Salvatorian priests from across Australia, and representatives from Catholic Education Western Australia Ltd and Catholic Religious Australia.
In his poignant homily, Archbishop Costelloe highlighted the significance of Bishop George's middle name being Joseph, noting, "Perhaps today, as we celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, we might look to him as a model of this tender and compassionate presence to others, a model especially, though not only, for our soon-to-be Bishop George." 
Drawing parallels between Saint Joseph's responsiveness to God's call and Bishop George's acceptance of Pope Francis' invitation, Archbishop Costelloe remarked, "When he 'awoke' – that is when he recovered from the shock of Archbishop Balvo's phone call – he did what the Lord was asking, through the request of Pope Francis. He said yes to the Pope's invitation to become your bishop."
As part of the episcopal ordination, each parish representative presented soil from their region as a symbol of unity, which was then presented to the new Bishop.
Bishop George, 56, brings extensive pastoral experience to his new role. Born in Dobra, Poland, he was ordained to the priesthood in 1994 by Cardinal Franciszek Macharski of Krakow. He has been the Superior of the Salvatorians in Australia since October 2018 and directed the Salvatorian Spirituality Centre in Perth. His ministry has included roles as a member of the Council of Catholic Religious Australia and chaplain for Catholic Education Western Australia.
His previous service spans both the Archdiocese of Perth and the Diocese of Bunbury, as well as significant pastoral work in the Diocese of Broken Bay in New South Wales, where he served as school chaplain at St Leo's Catholic College, assistant priest at Pymble and East Gosford parishes, and parish priest of Pittwater Parish.
Archbishop Costelloe also spoke about Pope Francis' teachings on the essential qualities of a bishop, emphasizing closeness to God, brother bishops, priests, and the people of God as foundational for effective ministry.
The Diocese of Bunbury, which Bishop George now leads, covers the south-western regions of Western Australia and spans an area one and a half times the size of England.
We at CDF join Archbishop Costelloe in praying that "the 'Fatherliness' of Saint Joseph, expressed through tenderness and compassion, but also through courage and fidelity, will be a source of inspiration and hope" for Bishop George as he begins his episcopal ministry.
Read the special report on The Record from the Archdiocese of Perth or the Media Release from the ACBC.

Photography credits: Michelle Tan
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