
Be part of the good news

5.10% p.a.


Term Investment account*

5.00% p.a.


Term Investment account*

By opening an account with CDF Community Fund you can save for a greater reward. Help build classrooms for students, places of worship for communities, hospital wings for the sick, aged care homes for the elderly and social service facilities for the vulnerable.

Be part of the Good News

5.10% p.a.


Term Investment Account*

5.00% p.a.


Term Investment Account*

By opening an account with CDF Community Fund you can save for a greater reward. Help build classrooms for students, places of worship for communities, hospital wings for the sick, aged care homes for the elderly and social service facilities for the vulnerable.

Faith in Action

"In celebrating a momentous sixty-five years for CDF, we give thanks for the faith of the people who have offered a generous and practical expression of the Gospel, sharing financial resources and beyond, and who continue to help grow the seeds of faith today into new ground."

Most Rev Peter A Comensoli 

Archbishop of Melbourne

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Contact our Client Services team on 1800 134 135

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^Interest rates are subject to change. View the current interest rates.

CDPF Limited, a company established by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, has indemnified the CDF Community Fund ABN 94 380 397 118 (the Fund) against any liability arising out of a claim by investors in the Fund. In practice, this means your investment is backed by the assets of Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. The Fund is required by law to make the following disclosure: Investment in the Fund is only intended to attract investors whose primary purpose for making their investment is to support the charitable purposes of the Fund. Investor’s funds will be used to generate a return to the Fund that will be applied to further the charitable works of the Catholic Church. The Fund is not prudentially supervised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority nor has it been examined or approved by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). An investor in the Fund will not receive the benefit of the financial claims scheme or the depositor protection provisions in the Banking Act 1959 (Cth). The investments that the Fund offers are not subject to the usual protections for investors under the Corporations Act (Cth) or regulation by ASIC. Investors may be unable to get some or all of their money back when the investor expects or at all and investments in the Fund are not comparable to investments with banks, finance companies or fund managers. The Fund’s identification statement may be viewed here or by contacting the Fund. The Fund does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence. The Fund has entered into an intermediary authorisation with CDFCF AFSL Limited ABN 49 622 976 747, AFSL No. 504202 to issue and deal in debentures.

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